It seems like a hugely challenging task to have to do a business presentation, and it seems even harder when you have to give it in a foreign language . One of the easiest things to do is to start with a simple introduction which can be memorised for dramatic impact. A presentation introduction simplified to its basic elements is usually a combination of the same key phrases with some of the details changed.
For example: You have to give a short presentation on "Sport in Finland".
Step 1: Think about two main topics you would like to talk about in your presentation. In this case we can divide it very easily into "winter sports" and "summer sports".
Step 2: Now follow this simple formula...
Introduce your job and your position
Introduce the subject of your talk
Give a brief outline of your talk
Timing and Questions
Link to start
This becomes:
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.
My name is Jon Smith and work as Cultural Liaison Officer for the Finnish Regional Government.
Today I am going to talk to you about sport in Finland.
First I am going to talk to you about winter sport in Finland, and secondly I am going to give you an overview on summer sport in Finland.
My talk today will be for about 5 minutes so if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask me at the end of the presentation.
OK, let's start.
Step 3
Memorise your introduction. By using these very simple phrases and then just adding your customised content it becomes easier to remember what to say, make less mistakes and have a big impact on your audience.